Fun WithOut Guns, Inc. Back To School Day Out is going to be extraordinary Saturday, August 13, 12Noon-6:00Pm
Giving Away Free School Supplies (while they last) 

Get your autographs & photos with Mrs. Missouri US, #LaurenZiegler

& Miss Alabama Earth US, #AlexiaRobinson

If you ever wanted to dunk a police officer here is your chance
Ride your favorite pony/horse

with the known #PonyRidesXpress
Play a little volleyball
or Kickball
️ Face Painted
The Ultimate Video Gaming Truck will be a fantastic time

Free haircuts & styling
?Sweet treat surprise by #TheSweetTooth 

BBQ #ChefChristopher 
Dance or just enjoy the music

. Plenty activities for the entire family

#FUNWITHOUTGUNS #NoViolence #PutDownTheGuns